Common Ground—Possibility or Pipe Dream?


Forty percent of Americans believe that those with opposing political views pose a threat to the nation. In many ways, we are more divided than ever before: from race, to women’s rights, to conservative and liberal policies. But when we focus on differences it’s impossible to move toward creating community.

Is there common ground to be found? Many assume that the divisiveness we experience today has no real answers and that thinking anything will ever change is a pipe dream. While there is nothing edifying about this defeatist mentality, many of us end up here because we do not know what to do.

One starting place may be for us to remember who we are and as well as others. In the video below Jason Petty, also known as Propaganda, gives us fresh new ways to think about these things. Propaganda, is a Los Angeles based rapper who aims to get his message out in any artistic form possible including: rap, preaching, and teaching. He is an advocate for the value of human life and seeks to empower people through art and social justice. This hip-hop artist reminds us that the solution is to be intersectional. As a prophetic voice for reconciliation, Propaganda encourages us to find common ground.

(This video was first posted on Q Ideas website)



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