Everyone would agree that the commercialization of all holidays is ridiculous, especially for Christmas. Often by the first week of December a holiday fatigued has already settled in, after all we have been seeing Christmas decorations in stores since October. It is hard to see any good that comes from the commercialization of Christian holidays. Since living under a rock is not an option (or recommended) then, the one positive from the market’s greed is that the celebration marking the birth of our Savior is front and center for a prolonged period.
For most thoughtful believers, we annually battle to preserve the true meaning of December 25. It is in and through this struggle that we are building virtue and character while thinking more and more about the birth of our Savior.
Now contrast this to Easter. No, I am not promoting a further secularization of another Christian holiday. However, I am pointing out that we do not think about Easter as much as we do about Christmas. Yet, without the resurrection of our Savior our faith would be found wanting. It is only because of the resurrection, the fulfillment of the covenant, the redemption of my sin, that we even celebrate the birth of Christ otherwise it would be relegated to a nice occasion.
How do we keep the resurrection in the forefront of our minds?
There are numerous ways and you probably have your own tools or tricks that remind you of who God is and what He has done for us. Maybe it is because I grew up in Florida where natural beauty abounds, but nature has been a valuable touch point for me. Seeing a sunrise like the one posted with this blog is a stirring reminder that the Lord’s mercies are new everyday, but we should not stop there with that Scripture reference from Lamentations 3:23. The end of the verse or the beginning, depending upon what version you read, are those sweet words great is thy faithfulness.
As Easter approaches in a week and a half, we will celebrate the faithfulness, the great faithfulness of God. God not only sent his Son to die for my sins and yours, He then proved once again that death will not prevail, and Christ was resurrected—great is thy faithfulness.
Crosland Stuart, of Crosland & Company, LLC, works with The Collaborative on marketing, recruiting, and content creation. Additionally, she also works in the areas of foundation consulting, communications, and is a literary agent.
Thanks to Crosland Stuart for the use of the photo.