It is hard to believe that almost a third of the year is gone and with it has gone most of our new year’s resolutions. Even if we have failed to execute, we should not give up and every day is a good time to jump start them again. One of mine for the past several years has been the pursuit of beauty. And yes, I am as negligent as the next person when it comes to consistently striving to successfully implement new year’s resolutions. However, sporadic pursuits are better than not trying at all.
Dr. Curt Thompson, a well known psychiatrist, makes a compelling argument for the power of beauty in his article Beauty Will Save the World and he inspires me to once again endeavor to pursue beauty. Whether or not beauty found its way onto your new year’s resolution list, we should not underestimate its importance. As one of the virtuous triad—goodness, truth, and beauty—it is something that our Heavenly Father wants us to be about, it is one of his many gifts to us.
Today’s article causes me to slow down and take stock of my surroundings materially, relationally, and spiritually. Don’t allow the title to mislead you. Beauty does not have any salvic power, but it is good for our souls. It also reminds me of the hope we have in who God is and who he has made us to be. This article references Albinoni’s Adagio in G minor and it is linked here for your listening pleasure. Once you have read the article listen to this piece and consider how hearing this music daily in a war torn community would have impacted you. Happy reading.
by Curt Thompson
Crosland Stuart, of Crosland & Company, LLC, works with The Collaborative on marketing, recruiting, and content creation. Additionally, she also works in the areas of foundation consulting, communications, and is a literary agent.