3 Spiritual Dangers of Productivity

I must admit that I am drawn to anything that can improve my productivity. However, I am also painfully aware of my sinful heart which makes me keenly interested in Daniel Patterson’s article included below. Patterson, the chief of staff of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, brings to our attention three powerful cautionary points in our quest to squeeze more out of every day.

Older Entrepreneurs Do It Better

Last weekend’s Wall Street Journal featured a fascinating article, by Carl Schramm, that certain bucks the prevailing thought about innovation and creativity. While this article does not discuss all the implications, the observations of this article certainly raises interesting questions when you think about corporate America being incubators for innovation. Carl Schramm is a professor at Syracuse University.  

Should Our Goal Be to Create Jobs at All Costs?

Dr. Anne Bradley, Vice President of Economic Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, helps us to better understand economics 101 when it comes to the relationship between creating wealth and creating jobs. Job creation is a hot political talking point and constantly in the news.

Economic Liberty Benefits the Least the Most

Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, where he specializes in foreign policy and civil liberties.  In the article below, he promotes economic liberty (a.k.a. capitalism) as a means by which the least of these can benefit. On the cusp of Congress passing a major tax overhaul, regardless of your politics, there is a lot of discussion about economics.We live in a world of exploding opportunities and growing challenges. New technologies are transforming our lives. Despite intermittent economic and financial crises, residents of the West live better than any other people at any other point in human history. Many people in the East, and increasingly in Latin America and Africa as well, are joining them.

Why is a $15 toy selling for $5,000?

This article below by Jim Denison is interesting because not only does it reveal the subtleties by which greed can become an acceptable standard, but it also shows that recognizing this vice for what it is can be difficult especially when it is cloaked in technological advances. Greed is powerful and a destroyer of virtue. Denison offers some helpful suggestions on how we can improve our spiritual fitness in this area.

Creativity Is Your Call. Restoration Is Your Purpose.

So often creativity is relegated to something pertaining to the arts. However, creativity is one of God’s gifts he has freely given to all. It is a gift that is often misunderstood and under utilized. In the article below Art Lindsley helps to move us closer to embracing this blessing while challenging us to use it.


James K.A. Smith has an amazing way of tapping into our inherent design, calling it to the forefront of our conversation, and helping us to understand how we are further cultivating the virtue of it or working to destroy it. In the article below he discusses the importance of institutions and how our actions are either about bolstering them or tearing them a part. His insight in so many areas is one of the blessings God has given to the Evangelical world.

Why 500 Years Matters

On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther mustered an incalculable amount of courage as he nailed a copy of his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church. As difficult as it is to imagine the amount of spiritual fortitude needed to take this kind of action, so too is it hard to measure the impact that the Reformation has had on all of Christendom since.

Guided By Faith, Not Culture

Meet Patti Rader who is embarking on her own leap of faith.  Several years ago, after much prayer and consideration, she believed that God was calling her out of ministry and to join her husband in the business world. In many Christian circles this kind of move would be criticized and while maybe not said out loud this decision would illicit much judgement. Of course then, there are others who would not understand.