Why 500 Years Matters
HAPPY 500TH ANNIVERSARY TO THE REFORMATION! On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther mustered an incalculable amount of courage as he nailed a copy of...
The Reformation, Evangelicals, & the Trumpian Age
Protestant Christianity celebrates 500 years of ministry on October 31. On this day in 1517 the German friar Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to Wittenberg’s cathedral door. Luther’s theses exposed theological fault lines placing him and his fellow reformers...
Guided By Faith, Not Culture
Meet Patti Rader who is embarking on her own leap of faith. Several years ago, after much prayer and consideration, she believed that God was calling her out of ministry and to join her husband in the business world. In...
If God’s a Worker, What Kind of Work Does He Do?
Let's be honest, some days it is hard to understand what our jobs or daily activities have to do with God's redemptive work or plan or purpose. There is a small percentage of folks who have jobs that neatly fit...
Flourishing Is for Every Dimension of Life, Not Just Work
Some would argue that the word flourishing is way beyond overused. While there may be some validity to this charge, the question is why. When considering what flourishing means, it is surprising that it has taken this long for the...
Great Is Thy Faithfulness…
Great is Thy Faithfulness... In the midst of the hum of generators, the buzzing of chainsaws, and the miserable humidity, Floridians are beginning the painstaking process of putting their lives back together after Hurricane Irma. These can be challenging days...
Gracy Olmstead, associate managing editor at The Federalist and the Thursday editor of BRIGHT, a weekly newsletter for women, challenges us to think more about people rather than labels. The article's byline of "Why a focus on adjectives, rather than nouns,...
If Technology Is Going to Destroy Jobs, Is UBI the Answer?
If you have not heard of universal basic income (UBI), you will in the coming months. The article below by Hugh Whelchel is a good entry point to being introduced to some of the larger concepts and views of this...
The Church: Cancer? or Blessing?
The conversation below between Tim Keller and James K.A. Smith is wonderful discussion about the church and our culture that will appear in this Fall's Comment Magazine. This is an important read for all of us. I hope you will...
Is Your Faith More Intellectual, Emotional, or Practical?
At The Collaborative we are always talking about connections. How do we remind ourselves and help others to better understand the relationship that ought to exist between our faith and our work. Another way to consider this, is how do...
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