Reflections on Faith and Culture

Each historical period possesses a distinctive essence, a unique nature, or atmosphere that sets it apart from all other epochs. In German, this essence is termed Zeitgeist, derived from the words Zeit, meaning "time," and Geist, meaning "spirit" or "ghost."

The authors herein aim to do just this: capture the spirit of the age through the lens of Christ.

Twice a year, The Collaborative publishes a journal containing thoughtful reflections on faith and culture by a variety of authors.

The articles vary in topic and depth of thought, but they are united in their goal: integrate faith and culture.

Oh, culture is such a broad term. It is. Yet, we aren’t afraid to tackle her and her many streams and tributaries. Mainly, these blogs are gifts to thoughtful Christians who go out into the public square to shine the light of Christ.

The hope of our team is that one is both well equipped and inspired by these readings for such work.

To receive your copy of the next Zeitgeist, subscribe here.

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