Until Money Do Us Part: Finances, Partnerships, & Biblical Stewardship with Enid Flores

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On this episode of Nuance, Case interviews Enid Flores, lawyer, tv host, and author of Until Money Do Us Part. They discuss the need to have a well-planned, and well-discussed, strategy for financial partnership, whether between husband and wife or between business partners. Enid also explores how we can be open to ways God is inviting all of us to be wise financial stewards, including particular steps for those still in their youth.

Nuance is a podcast of The Collaborative where we wrestle together about living our Christian faith in the public square. Nuance invites Christians to pursue the cultural and economic renewal by living out faith through work every facet of public life, including work, political engagement, the arts, philanthropy, and more.

Each episode, Dr. Case Thorp hosts conversations with Christian thinkers and leaders at the forefront of some of today’s most pressing issues around living a public faith.

Our hope is that Nuance will equip our viewers with knowledge and wisdom to engage our co-workers, neighbors, and the public square in a way that reflects the beauty and grace of the Gospel.

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Episode Transcript

N12 Enid Flores

Case Thorp  

Money, money, money, money. Necessary for sure in life, necessary for any society, any institution, family, business or even a nonprofit. Now, money in and of itself is not a bad thing. I mean, it is merely the means by which we have chosen as humans to transfer value. I can’t transfer the value I bring necessarily in the work that I do. Somebody kills an animal or grows some corn or creates a piece of furniture, transferring that value is very difficult in a bartering system. So we created money. Now look across your public square, that cobblestone street, all the little buildings, of course, on that square, you’re going to have a bank, if not several, even pennies in the fountain in the middle of your square. But if you look even more closely, you see those businesses, you see the apartments and the landlords that own those businesses. You see the marketplace unfolding, but you look even more closely and friends, wherever there’s people, there’s problems. And there’s even problems around money in that bakery over there, splitting because the partnership is falling apart. What divorced couples live above this public square, where they’re struggling in adults, or perhaps senior citizens trying to keep their households together. First Timothy 6:10 says “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” Notice, it’s the love of that money, not the money itself. Money is a neutral tool. But it’s in the love of it that it gets abused and broken. But we also know it’s in the lack of it, or the absence of it that also can just cause issues. Well, friends, thrilled today to have my friend, Enid Flores, who is going to help us through such things today. Enid, welcome.

Enid Flores  

Oh, welcome. Welcome to me, I said welcome to you, you are in my house now. And I’m so happy and so thrilled to be with you, Case. Thank you so much for having me.

Case Thorp  

I was gonna say, you are an international guest today, but you’re really not. Enid is in Puerto Rico which as we know is a US territory. I’ve been down to your country several times, and it is beautiful.

Enid Flores  

And we are so happy every single time you’re there and your last sermon, just pivot. That’s what we did. I’m so happy. So happy to just be with you here. Thank you for the invitation. And thank you for the opportunity to speak about money. Everything that has to do with it.

Case Thorp  

Well, friends, thank you for joining us here on Nuance. We are about being faithful in the public square. My name is Case Thorp. And I want to encourage you to like subscribe, share, it really helps us to get our message out there. Well now Enid and I have known each other for a number of years through our work in the greater denomination. She’s here today as author of a new book, Until Money Do us Part. Until Money Do us Part is the English title. The Spanish title, is Hasta Que el Dinero Nos Separe.

Enid Flores  

Very good.

Case Thorp  

Okay. Well, Enid has actually become an Amazon Best Seller through this book that looks at the issues of money when it is breaking up in the midst of divorce or even businesses falling apart, looking at legal and financial strategies to make things better. Now Enid is a practicing attorney with more than 20 years of experience in the banking industry, commercial credit insurance, business development, and she’s been doing more and more work in the nonprofit direction. Actually, it’s in that arena that Enid pioneered the first microfinance institution in Puerto Rico known as Microfinanzas Puerto Rico. Enid and her husband Efrain Sanchez host a live television program on economic and financial topics called Tu Salud Financiera. And it’s also on YouTube and podcasts.Enid, until I was researching for today’s program, I did not know that you were a TV star. You’re our first TV star.

Enid Flores  

Oh, yeah. We’ve been on TV and the TV business since almost 15 years ago. We believe that there was a necessity in Puerto Rico to have a TV show that talks about economics, financial situations, and legal situations. But without any political mindset. So we decided to start it in this multi, which commercial TV channel here in Puerto Rico that we move to now to where we are right now, which is in channel 13. We’ve been doing that nonstop since 15 years ago.

Case Thorp  

Now, Was he your husband then? Or is this how y’all met?

Enid Flores  

No, he was my husband, then. We met at the bank. Actually, I didn’t like him that much. But he was such a good team player. And he was such a good employee. So I decided to put him…I was moved to a new area. And I asked the managing team to let me create my own team. My dream team. Yeah. And they, they did. 

Case Thorp  

And he was number one.

Enid Flores  

I picked him because he was number one in everything, even though we didn’t see alike, and we ended up getting married.

Case Thorp  

 Did you really? Did you really pick him for his banking skills?

Enid Flores  

That’s what people say. Believe me, it is totally true. You can ask my mom. I was like, Mom, I just can’t stand him. And his mom, the first time he met me, she met me. She was like, Efrain. That’s the kind of woman that I want in your life. And he was like, mom she is my boss. Come on. But he told me that. It got him thinking about it, because he never, he tried to do what mom said just the opposite. And that day he decided that he was trying to take her word for it. And here we are. We are going to be 19 years together this year. 

Case Thorp  

Well, listeners you should know also that in 2021, Enid became the first woman and Latina moderator of the presbytery of Florida and the Caribbean, in our denomination. And I’m so very proud of that and enjoyed working with her. She has an undergraduate from Washington University in St. Louis, and a juris doctorate from the University of Puerto Rico, School of Law, and a mother of three. Well, Enid, tell me now what inspired you? Why did you feel a need to write this book, this particular book?

Enid Flores  

It’s been interesting because I love reading. And I know that my house is full of books, I love reading, I love talking to other authors. I really love what knowledge means and what it provides. And I didn’t know it until I finished, and my book was revealed that a friend of mine heard me when I was in Washington University studying that I told her that I was going to write a book no matter what. And I know that I used to write for magazines and newspapers. And I love reading, and I love writing. But never I mean, I thought that that was something, I guess I forgot about it. And it was in the back of my mind. After Hurricane Maria, and by seeing everything that was happening in Puerto Rico, and our TV show had a lot of meaning in terms of tools to help people I went to a workshop from a friend later, and before the pandemic hit about becoming a writer. So I decided to go, I went there and I went with another idea. Actually, I wanted to do more type of a memoir, more theology. I mean, in the theology sense, more Christian base, in a different sense. And when we started talking about it, she’s like, but you have a TV show. You have everything in there. Those are the tools. That’s what you provide to people. So at that moment, I said, You know what, I guess you’re right. So we decided to work together and she was the one and she has a mentoring system. To be for those people that want to become self published. So I did that with her. But with a big team of editors, my editor is the issue support. Remember, she lives in Canada, a wonderful publisher, in terms of working together, a very, very good publisher had a very good team behind. But it told me it took me three years to finish it up. And when it was done, I didn’t like the look and feel of the book. So I turned it back. I said, No, I mean, I guess it needs more. We worked on it. And we, I was actually in the General Assembly office, the day the book was revealed to the internet, before putting it in the bookstores.

Case Thorp  

Take us through the particular topics and chapters of the book.

Enid Flores  

Okay, that’s great. Obviously, you have to start with everything that has to do with what do you want your life? I think that’s a question that sometimes we know, we have to ask ourselves, but we don’t have that information at hand, or probably, we just don’t know how to work it out. That’s something that we need to do. And I asked people to meditate about it. And the book, it’s kind of like a workshop type of thing. Because you have questions. You have a lot of tools, and you can write in the book, and you can take notes. And I did that on purpose. So people take the time to just meditate and think about what you just read. So we’re going to have to start with the main thing like, how much do you earn? What do you want to do with that? And what are your goals in terms of financial freedom? If it is that one of the goals, and I do believe that we want financial freedom? If one of the things I’ve seen Case, through all these years in the legal system, and in the banking system? Is that money? I mean, you read Timothy and it says that is the root of all evil, the love for it. And definitely you can see it in breakups. I mean, it’s a breakup thing. And I’ve seen a lot of couples just break away. A lot of families just not speaking to each other. Because they have problems in terms of work in terms of sessions in terms of, of wills. So when you see that, I mean, you aren’t like, Ooh, how do we work it out? So I asked you to start working with yourself with your budget, create a budget, work with a budget, actually, if you do a budget, you can save up to 20% monthly, just by doing that, because you find out where are the leakages? Where are those areas where the money moves away?

Case Thorp  

Oh my goodness, I’m telling you very important. The Thorp family pays the light bill at Chick-fil-A. And without a budget, I wouldn’t necessarily catch that. 

Enid Flores  

I bet. But with a budget discussion, I mean, even in subscriptions, and I do it for me. I’m talking here because of myself. Because I love reading, I have a lot of subscriptions, we do have a lot of subscriptions because of our financial program, our TV show, we have to keep we have to be on top of things. But sometimes we go overboard. So those things are very important. So that’s one of the areas we talk about the second part that it comes in, it’s like, let’s see, let’s go start by building up muscle. So what about saving money? What about taking money to other people? What about stewardship? What about sitting down with your wife or your husband, or your partner or your business partner? And talk about these difficult questions, difficult themes, difficult topics because it’s difficult. I remember when I got married, when a friend asked me to marry him. He asked when I was all already and he had three children that I love. They’re all like my kids. They’re not kids anymore, but they’re mine. And he said, can you please open your books. That’s the way financiers speak and I’m like, what about opening my books what are you talking about and he’s like, well, I just want to see how much do you owe? How much money goes in the house. I mean, how is your budget? How do you work out things? And I’m like, well, the only person I talked about this is my CPA, nobody else. And he turned out I mean, he was like, and I said, besides, we’re going to have prenups Oh, so I don’t know why you’re so concerned. And I was the one who was wrong. In a family, where he is the head of the family, no matter if you have prenups, or any situation, which I believe, is a way of showing love. You have to sit down and put things together. And in that conversation, he asked me to pay my school loans. Before the wedding day, that was the main objective.

Case Thorp  

Did you feel that was fair?

Enid Flores  

I was upset. But I thought that it was necessary. So I did one week before the wedding. I paid and I said, Well, I did my job. We started putting goals together. And one of the goals was to be entrepreneurs, and have our business development company. And I’m like, Yeah, but I’m such a good manager. I don’t see myself as an entrepreneur. So I don’t know how we’re gonna work this out. And he’s like, Well, you will, I mean, we can do this together as a team. So it was not my goal. It was not my dream, it was his to work it out together. And he said, I’m going to have a TV show. I’m like, I like radio better. He’s like, well, it’s a TV show and I’m like, Okay, we will work it out. And, I do remember everything that we set up. And the way we did it, it turned out for the best. We were trying to be good stewards of what God has given us. And that’s what I want people with this book.

Case Thorp  

So you hit the personal finance element, deeply. Tell us about the words that you have to say, within the business sector.

Enid Flores  

Within the business sector, we also try to see it because for me, it’s like a matrimony actually. It’s like being married to your business partner, because it works that way. And I was in a very good kind of like sweet and sour partnership relationship in terms of legal in the legal arena. And I was a managing partner of that law firm. And I realized that we were not sitting down. And we were not talking about the hard things. So we were not making the right decisions. And that’s one of the reasons I said, Hey, come on, let us see this in two areas, because it works out in the personal relationship. But it also works out in the business relationship, not only budgeting, but the business tools, that legal tools, the financial tools are the same, because they’re there for us. So I divided from some in the different subjects I tried to divide it. And I provide like live samples from clients, just so people, it’s easier for people to see it.

Case Thorp  

And when you say there’s the hard stuff that we’re not talking about, particularly in that legal partnership, what would one of those hard things be and why were people avoiding it? 

Enid Flores  

I guess sometimes it’s because you don’t want to be upfront. And that’s one thing. A second part is like you try…sometimes I faced myself at that moment when you needed to create a facade of how successful you are. When in reality, there are people behind the scene that they’re struggling. I had a wonderful staff, and wonderful staff. But at the end of the day, I was the one getting behind because it was not enough. So we needed to budget things. And for me, it was important to sit down and we couldn’t do it. It was difficult. We wanted to keep the way things the way we’re doing things, actually I asked for some much more insurance just in case. And it turned out that when I left he decided to cut down the insurance in terms of everything that has to do with business interruption and when Hurricane Maria hit, it hit them very badly. And they’re still struggling to get up. So at that point, I was like God, it was good business acumen on my part and business sense. But I couldn’t. I was the managing partner. So definitely, I was doing the money, the money thing. But I couldn’t pass it on. So I decided that I was going to be the one moving out. Yeah, yeah. And let them be.

Case Thorp  

Now, I hear in that just conflict of values, would you agree? And definitely, as a woman of faith, for whom? Jesus and the scriptures are quite important. What sort of advice would you give to someone who finds themselves with business partners that don’t adhere to Christian values? How do you encourage them to cope? And to move forward?

Enid Flores  

Well, I think that we need to be upfront. And we need to be well, you know, Case, I like to say things the way they are, I am not sure. I don’t like to sugarcoat, I don’t even do it to my business partners, or to my clients, or to my husband, I mean, I do believe that we have to be true to ourselves. And let me tell you, we were all Christians, but we have different values behind because we were not seeing eye to eye. So when things like that happen, I do believe that you have to pray and you have to be very truthful to yourself, and know that one day, you will be in front of Jesus. And we’ll have to tell him what happened. And why do you do whatI mean, why that was your reaction, why you did what you did. And in that point, I felt I was not being a good steward of what God had given us. As partners, as a law firm, we were doing good to our clients, we were doing good, but not as, not in terms of business relationship. And because I was the one bringing it up, I felt that it was fair enough to be the one moving out. And it was the best decision ever, because then I decided to have my own law firm. Take it down a couple of levels. Be more basic, in terms of volume. And in terms of office in terms of I discover a place where I could just rent, rent a place, they will manage my phone, they will manage my mailbox, there will I mean, I will go there once a week, and I will have the opportunity to have a business place in a very, very good area near my house. I didn’t have to commute that much. And it makes sense, business sense. Yeah. So I moved out and did that. And in hurricane Maria, you know, Puerto Rico was devastated. I was still working with my people. I was still because I didn’t have that much in terms of budgeting, my budget was very, very small. And just building up. Yeah, yeah. And it worked. It worked. But it was hard for me to have the conversation, I must admit.

Case Thorp  

Well, and your comments there on stewardship. strike a chord in me, I have found in granted, I’m in the nonprofit sector. But whenever I’ve had to terminate an employee, it has come down to stewardship, because I give chance after chance, and I hope and I hope, but I finally get convicted that I’m wasting our church members’ money in this particular employment situation. And I won’t do that. That’s where you know, it hits that core value. And I think stewardship, so very, very important.

Enid Flores  

And I have a chapter of stewardship on stewardship, because I believe that it is. It is the most important thing. I mean, we have to be good stewards of what we have.

Case Thorp  

And whether you have millions or you have pennies. I mean, that’s the same concept.

Enid Flores  

It’s the same concept. And if you’re going to be wasting money, when you have small amount, you’re going to be wasting money when you’re rich. And if I say I mean this book is not to tell you how to be rich. No, it is a book with the tools to help you be stable financially, and protect your assets, protect what you have, be good with what you have the goods to work with what else what God has given you. And that was always in my mind in. And it’s actually also in my mind when I have my consultations with my clients, I mean, because it is what it is, at least for me. So I bring the word in that sense. It’s like an even, well, something so small Case, as having family troubles and asking for alimony. And sometimes I listen to this woman wanting to have much more money than she can provide. You can’t do that. Right? It’s just not good. It’s not right.

Case Thorp  

Well, a moment ago, you said something else that struck me. Where in that law firm partnership, there were other Christians. And yeah, that doesn’t mean that everybody’s going to always agree. And we know that Christ followers, some may be very mature in their faith, and some not and some growing, we’re all growing. But even if you’re all mature, you can still look to the scriptures and have a different value per the situation. What sort of content advice would you give any listeners that find themselves with some other people of faith, but not always on the same page?

Enid Flores  

Well, first you need to really need to pray, I remember that I will always pray for them. And actually, even yesterday, I was praying for them. You have to keep praying for them. Because I do believe that the Spirit works in wonderful ways. And it will give them the way, it probably didn’t work out with me. But it might work out with somebody else, are we other partners. So you have to keep them in your prayers. Second, as I said, you have to be very truthful to the person. And I, there were some biases in there too, that I didn’t like, and I brought them up. And I do believe that when you have partners in business, if there are some vices they are not good for the business, you have to bring them up with a lot of compassion, with a lot of empathy, with a lot of love. But you have to say it. And if at the end, you see yourself that is not working out, and you keep not seeing eye to eye, but it’s getting also into the environment of the firm, then you must decide what is the best for everybody, even for yourself. And it’s not been selfish, but it’s been lovable. And it’s loving yourself as you love thy neighbor. So in that moment, I was truthful to myself, even by loving them, because I love them. And I know that they can do great things and probably and I said well, probably I am the problem. So let’s meet it because sometimes you might be so I just decided to move out and he was very my other partner was very kind about it. My assistant was like devastated. But then she moved out later on. And he kept for sometimes the law clerks that we had and some other lawyers that we partner with, but then they could have kind of like disappeared. So I think that was the result of what was happening. Sometimes you just need to go down again, then move up. And I think that it happened, it happened to them.

Case Thorp  

And all of your experience and your business development and coaching. Would you say that there are some common pitfalls that then eventually lead to business partnerships breaking up? 

Enid Flores  

Yes. Besides the values that you just talked about, I mean, having different values, having different goals for the business. Like for him, the TV show was not profitable. However, my clients I’m from the TV show Sure. So, we didn’t have? Yeah, we didn’t, we didn’t agree at that time about that, and that I needed time to do it. So that was also a pitfall, like not having the same goals for the business. Yeah, he wanted to move the business in a sense, where he was going to be more separated from the clients, I am. So pro client service, been there answering phones, answering emails, when they need me, I show up, oh, I tried to show up. If not, I let them know that I’m going to be there as soon as I can. And he was more towards just delegating things. And that’s a big difference. Because if you don’t have the same mindset, for your client service, you’re gonna have trouble.

Case Thorp  

So, Enid it sounds like a young person entering into the work world would really benefit because you hit both of the personal side of getting your financial life in order, and also the workplace and business side, over the course of your career, what are some of the observations you’ve had on the business environment? And so therefore, what advice would you give to a young person?

Enid Flores  

Okay, to begin with, one of the areas that I do believe that our young people need to work out are the skills of conversation presentations, and having the interest, a real interest of acquiring knowledge and being better every day. So I do believe that what are the areas that they need to work out. Right now, we are very into skills, technical skills, and, and working with everything that has to be with math and sciences, actually working with the Department of Defense, trying to provide them with new people to get into the technology system, and everything that has to do with defense and security. One of the things that they said is like, we need to put art into STEM. Now, instead of being STEM, let us be STEAM and

Case Thorp  

STEM being science, technology, engineering, and math. And you’re saying, add that a in there for art.

Enid Flores  

Yes, and you need that, because that gives you the opportunity to know how to write well, how to speak well, how to just present yourself, because it’s more intimate Social and Cultural and Arts Sciences. So I do believe that it’s necessary for the work environment that we are in, Sometimes we think that the internet, the AI is going to provide everything for us. But if we don’t have the knowledge behind to know what is wrong or right, then you’re gonna look back. One of the things that I do in the book is that if you want to become an entrepreneur, I’ll give you the tools also to do that, how to do a business proposal, where are those key areas that you need in a business proposal? What are the areas that you need in your business? What are all the other tools that are out there, out there, so I’ll give you another pages to visit and information to visit and to acquire. Because some of this young generation, some of them, they just want to work by themselves. They don’t want to have bosses, they don’t want to have anyone telling them what to do. The only thing that they don’t know is that it doesn’t matter, you always are going to have a boss. It’s going to be either your client or it’s gotta be God. Oh, so someone is always going to be on top of you. But I do provide those things in the book, actually. And in terms of giving them chances. One of the one this business person in Puerto Rico, which happens to be the father of one of my great friends, he was the one who built everything for the train stations and everything electrical here. He’s a big shot. And he bought four books, and I’m like, Oh, so you want to sign those four books? And he says yes, me because I’m telling you one thing. Before we used to give cookbooks, to the people that were getting married, now we give your book. Wow. And I’m like, oh my God, I never thought about it. He’s like, Yes. And you can use that without giving me. Thank you. Thank you so much. I’m gonna take it. So I’ve been saying that I mean, instead of having given now, a cookbook here in Puerto Rico was so used to it was a green cookbook.

Case Thorp  

yes. And I bet it had Tres Leches.

Enid Flores  

Oh, yes, it has a tres leches and Mofongo.

Case Thorp  

I had a Puerto Rican woman in our Gotham fellowship last year. And whenever we would bring things she would always bring her Tres Leches Ah, it’s so good. 

I mean, you are such a minister. In many ways. The world might look to me as a pastor and think, Oh, well, they’re the ones that do ministry. But I absolutely affirm. And I think you would agree you have been ordained to the legal world, to the entrepreneurial world, the financial world. So could you speak to someone who may be listening that may not fully understand what do you mean? I have a call to the marketplace, I have a call to business because clearly you do. Could you speak to that?

Enid Flores  

But yes, it is a, it gives you the sense of having such a big responsibility. I love you preaching. I love your teaching, you are absolutely wonderful. And your call was to serve God in that position. And when I mean, when I tell my people, and even my associates, Your call is to serve God in this position. Everything that you do, do as you’re doing it to God, and make sure that you’re doing it well, because you will have to answer the questions that the book will be given to you when you finally go to heaven. So I do believe at some point, I wanted to be a minister of the sacraments and I wanted to be our day. And I Yeah, actually went to seminary, back, I went to the process of filling all the information, they thought I was graduating from high school, just graduated from law school.

Case Thorp  

You know, God’s law, man’s law.

Enid Flores  

So but then I decided, but the seminary back in Puerto Rico got very liberal I didn’t like what I was seeing there was when I ended up talking to my pastor at that time, he’s like, Well, it’s never too late. But then I decided that I was not going to do it that way, that I was doing the best with the tools that he has given me. We all have talents. We all have time. We all have the resources. And we’re supposed to provide those I use the three T’s in Spanish, like the length or Tesoro, your treasure, your talents and your time, you have to provide that to others. So I will say that doesn’t matter where you are, you are a minister of the word, because people are seeing you not only as a lawyer, as a banker as intrapreneur, or whatever your position is, or as a pastor, but you’ve given them a message with the way you work, behave, do things. And I think that sometimes those messages speak louder than even our words. So I didn’t realize that it was a call. After I decided that I was not going to pursue ministry.

Case Thorp  

Let me throw in, pursue ministry in the church. you’re pursuing ministry in the marketplace, and in law. And yes, well, and I really like to lift that up for folks to truly see because then they recognize, ah, God has a call for the public square for our businesses. And you and I’ve talked about Puerto Rico’s economic environment and where their struggles and such and I think about the not just you bearing witness to Christ centered behavior in business dealings, but you’re thickening the social fabric, you’re giving people opportunity, you are improving lives, and by growing the economy, and that is so important. God calls us to bring about such flourishing.

Enid Flores  

Yes, I totally agree with that. And I feel that it is my responsibility every single time I go in front of the TV in front of a camera, just to be very, very careful of how I encourage people to do the best of their abilities. And I do believe in the transformation of the human’s soul. I mean, I do believe that God taught me he, when he taught us. Yeah, we change. We cannot be the same. And it’s it is, but it’s been my prayer. And I’m thank you for bringing that up that people understand that they have a very important it’s a very how you say it, and I’m trying to find the word in English. Besides your responsibility, but it’s a very it’s like when you’re acting, you have a very important role, a very important role in terms of what are you going to provide to others.

Case Thorp  

Enid, last question, and I love to ask folks this, but where do you feel God’s pleasure in your work?

Enid Flores  

Oh, wow. When I see the smile of someone saying, Thank you, I never thought that we could get this. Or when I see a family coming together, I’d say well, I know that it was difficult, but we came into an agreement. When I see other co-workers, other lawyers, even when they are on the opposite side, saying You know what? Well done. We did our best, you won, or when they win, and I was like, you know, you deserve it. I see. I see God’s fulfillment of the word and the joy that he brings when you serve. I had a post our Pastor Emeritus used to say, if you don’t serve, you’re worthless. I mean, in Spanish, it works out.  But it is true. If you’re not serving others. You’re not doing anything. And it gives me a lot of joy. Sometimes I’m very tired. Sometimes I really don’t know how, sometimes our big messes, and I and I see it and I say God, I really don’t know how to work it out. Just helped me. And or I made a mess. I don’t know how to work it out. Just please help me to put it back together. It was my mistake. What am I supposed to do? And I don’t know, one way or another. He gives me the answer and sorts things out and I I see his hand in every single thing.

Case Thorp  

Amen. Enid, thank you so much. I really appreciate your time and for being with me today. Friends, you can learn more. The book is called Unil Money Do us Part (in English). And the English version is on its way.

Enid Flores  

Yes, we’re working on it. There are some areas in terms of the legal arena that is different in the common law than the United States. So we have to update those areas so that it’s more towards the US even though the tools are the same. But yeah, we’re working on it. Hopefully next year, we will have something new coming up.

Case Thorp  

Well for now, if you are fluent in Spanish, you can purchase it on Amazon, we will have a link to the book on in our show notes as well a link to Enid and her husband’s show. It’s on their YouTube channel. Well, friends, thank you so much for joining us today. Again, like and share this video or podcast. It helps us get the word out. You can also leave a review wherever you get your podcasts, go to collaborativeorlando.com for all sorts of content, and you can find us across the social media platforms. Don’t forget we’ve got our Nuance formed for faithfulness, a weekly 10 minute devotional for the working Christian that follows the liturgical calendar. I’d like to thank our sponsor for today, Ben Vincent, Esquire of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I’m Case Thorp and God’s blessing on you.