Formed for Faithfulness


Formed for Faithfulness: The Third Week of Advent


Formed for Faithfulness: The Second Week of Advent

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Formed for Faithfulness: The First Week of Advent


Formed for Faithfulness: The Twenty-Seventh Week of Ordinary Time

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Formed for Faithfulness: The Twenty-Sixth Week of Ordinary Time

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Formed for Faithfulness: The Twenty-Fifth Week of Ordinary Time

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Formed for Faithfulness: The Twenty-Fourth Week of Ordinary Time

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Formed for Faithfulness: The Twenty-Third Week of Ordinary Time


Formed for Faithfulness: The Twenty-Second Week of Ordinary Time

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Formed for Faithfulness: The Twenty-First Week of Ordinary Time

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Formed for Faithfulness: The Twentieth Week of Ordinary Time


Formed for Faithfulness: The Nineteenth Week of Ordinary Time

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Formed for Faithfulness: The Eighteenth Week of Ordinary Time

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Formed for Faithfulness: The Seventeenth Week of Ordinary Time

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Formed for Faithfulness: The Sixteenth Week of Ordinary Time


Formed for Faithfulness: A Reflection on Labor Day (The Fifteenth Week of Ordinary Time)


Formed for Faithfulness: The Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time


Formed for Faithfulness: The Thirteenth Week of Ordinary Time


Formed for Faithfulness: The Twelfth Week of Ordinary Time


Formed for Faithfulness: The Eleventh Week of Ordinary Time

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Formed for Faithfulness: The Tenth Week of Ordinary Time