We all have things that we regret in life. The ones that haunt me usually relate to remaining silent. These sting because there has been definitive proof on the backside that my voice would have mattered…uggghhhh. I hate this feeling. Have you ever not spoken up, and in hindsight wished you had?
In this final episode of the season, Anne Synder, editor of Comment Magazine, helps us define what a prophetic voice is, as well as sharing who were prophetic voices in her own life. She also challenges the listener to strengthen our own voices, so that speaking truth, speaking love, and speaking humility could be used by God in our workplaces.
We all have those people in our lives who have cared and taken the time to speak into our lives. Think how meaningful this has been to you. It is interesting that I have thought about and even prayed I might be this for people in my life, but Anne Synder has challenged me to think about it in the context of work.