We all have things that we regret in life. The ones that haunt me usually relate to remaining silent. These sting because there has been definitive proof on the backside that my voice would have mattered…uggghhhh. I hate this feeling. Have you ever not spoken up, and in hindsight wished you had? In this final … Read more


Today our podcast, Nuance, is taking a different approach by hearing from mental health counselor, Andy Blanchard. Are you an emotionally healthy worker? How does your emotional state help or hinder your witness for Christ? Episode 4 drops today and highlights the value of our interior life. Part of nurturing our interior life is to … Read more


Christian citizenship for the Evangelical church and believers has evolved and matured(for the good) especially in recent decades, but this doesn’t make it any easier to liveout faithfully. Dr. Jonathan Chaplin is widely regarded as an expert in Christian politicalthought, which includes political philosophy and various Christian traditions (especiallyReformed, Catholic, and Evangelical.) While we need … Read more


Today, The Collaborative is pleased to announce the launch of our new podcast, Nuance, Being Faithful in the Public Square. Beyond the walls of the church, is where putting our faith into practice can be a struggle. Lately, it feels like Christians are losing this tug-of-war, but we as Christ’s followers have hope even when … Read more

Fall is Coming

We are back from our July break or screen sabbatical! While there is no break from the steamy August heat, soon our roads will be filled with school buses, our Fall schedules will begin, and our summer will come to an end. The onset of Fall can have that new beginning feeling as we re-engage … Read more

Astonishing Numbers

There are times when lists are more impactful than even the most eloquent narrative. This is probably why lists as blog content are popular…you know, things like Top 5 Ways to Be More Efficient, 10 Ways to Improve Your Overall Health, Top 10 Universities of the Year, etc. I am not sure what the best title for this week’s blog post is, but “Astonishing Numbers” may be the most descriptive and it too falls into that category of lists.

The Proverbs 31 Woman Is Not the Ideal Woman. She’s the Ideal Church

About a year ago, we bought a home. It has a long driveway, stretching from the road to a garage on the back of the property. That’s a lot of concrete to clear when it snows here in Iowa. I had not prepared for the first snowfall, which brought several inches of thick, heavy snow. It took our family of seven several hours (and shovels) to clear the snow. But this morning, when we woke up to five inches of snow, I did not fear (throwing out my back again). I could laugh at the snowfall. Because I had purchased a snowblower fit for our drive.

The Dark Night of the Soul…

Hit after hit after hit…they just seem to keep coming: Russia, inflation, covid, incivility and not to mention all the personal heart ache that we all experience. I must admit it is rather overwhelming right now.


Workers are quitting their jobs at record rates. Frustrated by low pay, bad working conditions, and all the disruptions caused by the pandemic, people have become disillusioned with work and are searching for greener pastures in better jobs, their own start-ups, or in some cases doing nothing more than the bare minimum to survive. But the Great Resignation must become the great realization – people need to realize that work cannot fulfill all the desires and meet all the expectations that we have been conditioned to think it should.