Today our podcast, Nuance, is taking a different approach by hearing from mental health counselor, Andy Blanchard. Are you an emotionally healthy worker? How does your emotional state help or hinder your witness for Christ? Episode 4 drops today and...
Nuance S1E3: Champion Your Colleagues with Rev. Rufus Smith
So often when the subject of hospitality comes up, people’s minds immediately gotowards the hosting of parties or dinners. The truth is coordinating gathering is a thinslice of all that hospitality encompasses. Our inability to properly define hospitalitytruncates our understanding...
Christian citizenship for the Evangelical church and believers has evolved and matured(for the good) especially in recent decades, but this doesn’t make it any easier to liveout faithfully. Dr. Jonathan Chaplin is widely regarded as an expert in Christian politicalthought,...
Today, The Collaborative is pleased to announce the launch of our new podcast, Nuance, Being Faithful in the Public Square. Beyond the walls of the church, is where putting our faith into practice can be a struggle. Lately, it feels...
Fall is Coming
We are back from our July break or screen sabbatical! While there is no break from the steamy August heat, soon our roads will be filled with school buses, our Fall schedules will begin, and our summer will come to...
Summer Is Here: It is Time to Crack Open a Book
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” —George R.R. MartinIt is hard to believe that the calendar not only reads “May,” but the date indicates that June...
Three Lessons Learned From the Art Fellows
This past January The Collaborative introduced the Arts Fellows Orlando to the broader community for the first time. This inaugural year has not disappointed and there are three key lessons that I have learned. However, before we explore these, I...
Hope, Global Order, Incoherence, & Socialism
Today we are being bombarded by events that are numerous and matched only by their intensity. All are finding their ways into our lives and are having an impact upon us one way or another. Whether it is the invasion...
Lift High the Cross!
When holiday celebrations correspond with our blog article publish date, we often take the opportunity to consider a piece of related music. Today when are going to continue that tradition and bask in the beauty and message of the 19th...
Astonishing Numbers
There are times when lists are more impactful than even the most eloquent narrative. This is probably why lists as blog content are popular…you know, things like Top 5 Ways to Be More Efficient, 10 Ways to Improve Your Overall...
The Proverbs 31 Woman Is Not the Ideal Woman. She’s the Ideal Church
Through our blog The Collaborative strives to bring you great content that is accessible, challenging, and stimulating. In this endeavor it also provides us with the opportunity to introduce our audience to wonderful sources. Today’s article gives us much to...
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