
The Great Chinese Art Heist

     Is this the next plot of a future James Bond movie? Is this the framework for a best-selling historical fiction novel? The article below is wildly interesting. Beyond entertainment, it raises all kinds of questions with regards to ethics...

Dancing In the Streets

My apologies all the way around for what amounted to a great big tease last week when no video was embedded in the previous blog. The problem has been sorted out but the only solution is to include the link...

The End of Patronage?

     We are back and off of the July Screen Sabbatical. This week's blog post is an interview with James K.A. Smith and Roberta Ahmanson and they are discussing a fascinating topic—patronage. Most interviews that are transcribed can be...


Aaahhhh! Summer is here and hopefully that means you will be taking some much-needed time off. Interestingly, Americans have become so focused on productivity that we often struggle with how to unwind, destress, and actually relax. Many of us even...


Congratulations! Today is your day. Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re...

Is It Well with My Soul?

It is hard to believe. It is has been two years since the Pulse shooting that tragically took the lives of forty-nine people. Forty-nine lives that seem to have been cut short and many, many more who will be forever...

Workmanship—A Thing of Beauty

On Case Thorp's recent trip to Scotland, he came upon this amazing stained glass window at Stirling Castle-Holy Rude Church. This window was dedicated to the Merchant Guild. By clicking on the audio bar below (between the second and third...

Engaging the Beautiful: A Review of Makoto Fujimura’s Culture Care

“It’s not enough to just build tools. They need to be used for good,” said a repentant and scared Mark Zuckerberg before the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees. Facebook embodies today’s cultural zeitgeist, and its disregard for privacy coupled with...

It’s Here—Summer Reading!!!

Another school year is drawing to a close, vacation plans will soon be realized, and that business phenomenon that closely resembles a summer malaise is just on the horizon. Amidst all of these, for most of us, during the months...

Rethinking Pastoral Care Through the Lens of Whole Life Discipleship

At the corner of Liberty and Albercorn in historic Savannah, Georgia, stands a monument to the work of the Roman Catholic Sisters of Mercy. Serving the city since 1845, the sisters pioneered the creation of schools, orphanages, and hospitals, most...

Take Your Seat at the Table

Amy Lein is a dear friend of The Collaborative's. She is engaged and has been just completed the Gotham Fellowship. See the article below that appeared in the official blog of the HR Florida State Council, Inc. When she submitted...

Teachers Over Tech

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.Aristotle said that.Aristotle, the student of Plato, the student of Socrates, which is quite the educational lineage. But I’ll come back to that in...


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